Community Benefits
Benefits of Kilmore Cottage to the Community
The building's prominent location at the centre of Kilmore village provides us with an unique opportunity to develop an inclusive and sustainable scheme of development and restoration which can address local needs and be a catalyst for the regeneration of the core, community and character of Kilmore, making the area a better place to live, work and visit.
1. To Contribute to Community Life
Through an inclusive project, to contribute to the community life of the Kilmore area by addressing evident local needs and sharing skills as we together learn and grow;

2. To Develop a Viable Project for the Cottage
To seek community-led ideas for the site and to develop a viable project for the cottage (including its outbuildings, garden and yard) which can be both financially and environmentally sustainable.
3. To Address Local Needs
To conserve and restore the Kilmore Cottage to an appropriate conservation standard, making improvements where required to realise its potential to address evident local needs through a long-term sustainable project, whilst also protecting one of the few surviving thatched buildings left in Northern Ireland.

4. To have a lasting impact beyond the initial project
Kilmore becomes less dormitory in nature with local people shaping the future they want to see through the project’s design, development, implementation and longer term legacy, making Kilmore and the surrounding rural areas a better place to live, work and visit.
Objectives of Kilmore Oneilland Trust