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How the Project Started

Our Journey at a Glance

Conor Sandford, the founder of Kilmore O’Neilland Trust decided to run 144km on behalf of his local church to raise some money for an historic thatched cottage in the village he grew up in. Lets follow the journey that started our project for Kilmore Cottage.

The Journey Begins:

Conor decided to run the 144km to bring attention to the plight of Thatched Cottages around Northern Ireland and to raise money for Kilmore Cottage. 


Highlighting our heritage:

Thatched cottages were once a common site in Northern Ireland, in 1950 about 30,000 were thought to survive, but today only around 144 of those historic homes remain. That's a remarkable loss of our heritage and in living memory too. Conor wanted to do something to highlight that loss and try to find a solution for this thatched building in particular - The Kilmore Cottage - Understanding the great potential that stands at the heart of the place he grew up in. 

Kilmore Cottage:

The Kilmore Cottage is one of those historic thatched survivors and has stood since at least the early 18th century, appearing on a map of Kilmore dated 1707. It was gentrified by the addition of a fanlight doorcase in about 1820 and still retains historic thatch and significant roof timbers under a later tin roof. The building is protected through statutory listing in recognition of its special architectural and historic significance, but as a result of a lack of the funding needed and a significant conservation deficit - being the difference between restoring the property and its end economic value - it has stood vacant since the 1980s. 

Cottage from Church tower BEFORE SPAB and local tidy up.jpg

Our Challenges:

Despite the cottage being valued locally as an historic building with great potential to regenerate the core, community and character of a small rural village, the likely costs involved in restoring the building to the conservation standards which would be required are substantial, particularly in relation to its likely end economic value. Despite this deficit lots of different possible uses have been suggested locally, from tourist accommodation and a coffee shop, to just restoring it as a dwelling.  However, we need support to undertake a viability study to identify which use will attract the funding necessary to make it happen, in order to have both the output and outcomes which we hope to achieve for both the cottage and Kilmore village generally. 


Through Crowdfunder we raised money to help with some of the initial costs which we hope will unlock the door to further funding and ultimately a viable future for the Kilmore Cottage.


Kilmore Cottage is owned by Kilmore Parish Church (NI registered charity number: 104084) and donations will go to them towards the Kilmore Cottage in the hope that this will unlock further funding to help secure its future.


Objectives of Kilmore Oneilland Trust

The Community have identified a need that Kilmore Cottage will contribute to Community Life in the Kilmore Area


Kilmore Cottage,

66, Kilmore Road, Kilmore, County Armagh, BT61 8NQ.

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Kilmore Door.png

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